Daniel Esser - Lasers for the Future, Inaugural Lecture

Daniel Esser, member of the Centre for Laser-based Production Processes, held his inaugural lecture at Heriot-Watt University on the 17th June.  

Laser technology development is at the forefront of fierce international competition by governments, industries and researchers alike, and has inadvertently stimulated the imagination of the public since the laser’s initial demonstration. Today, the relentless drive is towards reduction in cost, size and power consumption whilst increasing the performance and reliability of laser technology tailored for challenging applications. In this lecture I will “open up” the laser box to peer inside in an attempt to expose how the challenges are embedded in the laser device physics, discuss the progress made on component level and show the design and engineering required for us to develop future laser systems which can address these needs.

Technical Seminar

In celebration of the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies, the Inaugural Lecture will be preceded by the annual RAEng / Selex ES research chair seminar on laser device physics and engineering. The invited speakers are from Selex ES in Edinburgh, Imperial College London and Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.


Schedule & Speakers

14:00 – 14:30 Registration and Refreshments (Heriot-Watt Post Graduate Centre)

14:30 – 15:00 Prof Krzysztof M. Abramski, Laser and Fibre Electronics, Wroclaw University of Technology

                      “Optical fibre laser combs based on graphene and some other 2D-materials”

15:00 – 15:30 Dr Gabrielle Thomas, Imperial College London

                      “Progress in diode-pumped Alexandrite lasers”

15:30 – 16:00 Mr Michael Troughton, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Selex ES, Edinburgh

                      “Additive Manufacturing – The Next Industrial Revolution?”

16:00 – 16:30 Dr Ian Thomson, Senior Laser Engineer, Selex ES, Edinburgh

                       “Engineering challenges in Lasers for Aerospace Applications”



